We have an adult class, ladies class and children classes. Everyone is welcome!
Join us in worshiping and learning more about the Lord.
Brotherhood and WOM meets on the 1st Wednesday of each month.
All adults meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month.
Matthew 19:14
10:00 AM Sunday School and children's time of worship.
Proverbs 22:6
10:00 AM Sunday School and children's time of worship.
Colossians 1:17
10:00 AM Sunday School
1 John 4:7
Meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday each month at 7:00 PM.
Brotherhood is a men's ministry that meets each month for a bible study and to discuss ideas for the church and the community. All men are welcome.
WOM is a group for all women to come together once a month for a teaching of the Bible and also to discuss ideas to help the community of the church and the community around the church.
This bible study is for all adults to come together and dig deeper in God's word.
CORE Reaction is a mid week study for middle/high school students. They will meet every other Wednesday.
Singspiration is a time to come together to sing praises to the Lord! We invite others to come sing with us or come listen and worship.
Singspiration is a time to come together to sing praises to the Lord! We invite others to come sing with us or come listen and worship.
Come and listen to the very talented Shellem Cline as he brings inspiration Christian country music. Your hearts will truly be blessed!
Bring your kids to this exciting Praise Party. Put on some comfy PJs and enjoy Pizza, Puzzles, Painting, and Praise for Kingdom Kids.
Singspiration is a time to come together to sing praises to the Lord! We invite others to come sing with us or come listen and worship.
CORE Youth Lock-In will be held on March 14-15 from 7:00 PM to 7:00 AM. We will have games, movies, food and sugar filled fun!
Kingdom Kids are hosting a Valentine's Day Dance Party and we want you to come dance with us! We'll have dinner, dancing, games and much much more fun!
Singspiration is a time to come together to sing praises to the Lord! We invite others to come sing with us or come listen and worship.
We are hosting our annual Trunk or Treat on October 19th from 6:00-8:00 PM. We will have a costume contest for adults and a best trunk contest. We will have a parade for all the kids to show off their wonderful Halloween costumes.
We are blessed to announce that we will host the Bread of Life Quartet again. We ask that everyone bring finger foods for fellowship after the singing.
Come listen to the amazing inspirational, faith, country multi award winning and multi charting artist Shellem Cline!
We will have a Fall Fun Event for the Kingdom Kids (1st-5th grade) on September 28th from 2:00-4:00 PM. There will be sack races, pumpkin painting and so much more!
CORE Ministry is hosting a Back to School Foam Party for middle/high school students. We will have pizza, drinks and tons of fun! Please bring a towel.
We would love to have everyone join us as we celebrate homecoming of all present and previous members of Corinth. We ask everyone to please bring a well-filled basket as we will have fellowship after the service.
WOM will meet on September 4th at the Sun Valley Theaters for ladies movie night to see "The Forge" at 6:30 PM. We will meet at the theater at 6:15 PM.
Join us as on an epic cruise of the 7 C's during the Great Jungle Journey!
Hungry Hearts will be hosted at Corinth April 19th from 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM. We will have dinner, worship and devotion. Tiffany Johnson, a shark attack survivor, will be our guest speaker. All women are welcome to join us!
The Bread of Life Quartet will be at Corinth Sunday, April 7, 2024 at 6:00 PM. Please come join us and listen to some wonderful music!
Come listen to some amazing music and a wonderful message by Pastor Kevin!
Annual Easter Egg Hunt will take place on March 23rd from 10 AM - 11 AM. Pre-school age to 5th Grade ages are welcomed!
Ladies, bring a friend or family member to paint a beautiful Easter canvas. We will start painting at 2:00 PM and it is $35 per person.
Ladies, let’s brunch! The Corinth ladies are hosting a brunch Saturday, February 10th from 10:30 am - 12:30 pm. Please bring a friend or family member and join us.
Calling all High School/College age students and young adults!! We are starting a Friday night Bible study that starts this Friday, 1/12/2024 in the fellowship hall. We hope you will take advantage of this great opportunity to grow in your walk with the Lord.
Christian Country recording artist Shellem Cline will be joining us for a special service.
We will host a Trunk or Treat along with a Halloween Costume Contest. There will be prizes for the best decorated trunk and prizes for all ages for the costume contest.
Children's Church will be holding a yard sale. $10 per spot and $5 per table if needed.
Everyone is welcome! Pastor Roy Helms will be joining us to preach the word of God.